I'm trying to work out following problem: Let $m$ be some Fibonacci number and $n$ some integer. Find all non-trivial pairs $(n,m)$, where $n! = m$. Trivial pair is pair $(1,1)$. I know that for every number $a$ there exists some Fibonacci number that's divisible by $a$. I also tried to bruteforce my way trough, but I didn't succeed. Here is my sub-optimal code:
a = 1
b = 1
mylist = [here are factorials up to 50!]
for i in range(0,100):
c = a+b
a = b
b = c
if b in mylist:
I tried many other things including googling it, but I didn't find anything that I can even start with.
I have highschool level of math knowledge.