Let $S$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety, let $b$ be a closed point of $X$, and let $f:X\to S$ be a polarized family of smooth projective varieties over $S$. This induces a monodromy representation $$\pi_1(S) \to \mathrm{Aut}(\mathrm{H}^i_{prim}(X_b,\mathbb Z))\subset \mathrm{GL}_N(\mathbb C).$$ (Here $N$ is the dimension of $\mathrm{H}^i$, and $\pi_1(S)$ denotes the topological fundamental group of $S(\mathbb C)$.)
Clearly, this representation is not "quasi-unipotent".
But can we find a set of generators, say $g_1,\ldots, g_n$ of $\pi_1(S)$, such that each $g_i$ acts quasi-unipotently?
The problem is maybe clearest to see when $S$ is projective. In this case, there is no "boundary", so how to get the set of generators to be quasi-unipotent?
PS. I could not extract what I'm asking from Quasi-unipotent monodromy for general families unfortunately.