Suppose there are two independent Binomial random variables $$ X\sim Binomial(n,p)\\ Y\sim Binomial(n,p+\delta) $$ where $\delta$ is considered to be fixed, and $p$ can vary in $(0,1-\delta)$.
Now consider the following value (sum of two probabilities): $$ \mathbb{P} \left( X\geq(p+\frac{\delta}2)\cdot n \right) +\mathbb{P} \left( Y\leq(p+\frac{\delta}2)\cdot n \right) $$
My question is: Which value of $p$ maximizes the above quantity? My intuition and simulation both says that when $p+\frac{\delta}2=1/2$, the value takes its maximum. It seems to be a very easy problem, but I could not prove it. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Edit: Let's suppose that $n$ is even, so that we can have an integer as threshold when $p=(1-\delta)/2$.