I have Von Neumann algebra $\mathfrak{U}$ and a weakly dense *-subalgebra $A$. I have another Von Neumann Algebra $\mathfrak{V}$ and an injective *-homorphism $$\phi: A\longrightarrow \mathfrak{V}$$ such that $\phi(A)$ generates $\mathfrak{V}$. Is it possible to say that one can extend $\phi$ to an *-isomorphism from $\mathfrak{U}$ onto $\mathfrak{V}$?
P.D. In fact the case I am interested in is when A is a Hilbert algebra and $\mathfrak{V}$ is the natural Von Neumann Algebra of A as defined by Dixmier in its books C *-Algebras or Von Neumann Algebras. I however believe the question as posted has all the required ingredients.