The answer is yes -- this follows from the general theory of reduction of hermitian matrices.
The matrix $A$ such that $^tA(z) = A(-z)$ is an hermitian matrix in the terminology of Bourbaki, Algèbre, Chap. 9, $\S$ 3, n°1. The reduction theory ($\S$ 6, n°1, Cor. 2 in loc.cit.) tells you that there exists an invertible matrix $P \in \mathrm{GL}_r(K)$ such that $A(z)= {}^tP(z) D(z) P(-z)$ with $D(z)=\operatorname{diag}(f_1(z), \ldots , f_m(z),0, \ldots, 0)$, where $f_i$ are elements of $K$ such that $f_i(z)=f_i(-z)$ and $m$ is the rank of $A$.
It remains to check that any $f \in K$ fixed under the involution can be written $f(z)=g(z) g(-z)$ for some $g \in K$. Note that $f \in \mathbb{C}((z^2))$ and we may assume without loss of generality that $f(z)=1+\sum_{n\geq 1} a_n z^{2n}$. Using the Taylor expansion of the square root, we get $f(z) =g(z^2)^2$ for some $g \in K$, and thus $f(z)=g(z^2)g((-z)^2)$ as desired.
The proof of the reduction result is entirely similar to the proof for classical hermitian matrices. Letting $\phi$ be the hermitian form associated to $A$, the starting point is to find a vector $x \in K^r$ such that $\phi(x,x) \neq 0$, and then to proceed by induction on $r$. To find $x$, choose vectors $x_0,y_0 \in K^r$ such that $\phi(x_0,y_0) \neq 0$, then at least one of the vectors $x_0,y_0,x_0+y_0,x_0+zy_0$ will work. This provides an algorithm (but I don't claim it is optimal).