Every square complex matrix is similar to a complex-symmetric matrix. But I think a stronger statement is also true: Every such matrix is also similar to a TRIDIAGONAL complex-symmetric matrix. Where is this proved? How can it be proven?
Define a complex-symmetric matrix $M$ to be one where $M = M^T$. Define it to be tridiagonal if $m_{ij}=0$ whenever $|i - j| > 1$.
Empirically, the statement is easy to verify by finding t.c.s (tridiagonal complex-symmetric) matrices similar to the Jordan block $J_n(0)$ of size up to at most $n=7$ of eigenvalue $0$. There are multiple t.c.s matrices similar to any $J_n(0)$ though, and it's hard to pick a "simplest" one. I think one method of proof might involve stuff related to the Lanczos algorithm?