I am looking for conditions that ensure that an integral average of a function from $\mathbb R^n$ to $\mathbb R$ is a monotonic function of the averaging set.
To be more specific, let me start with a case of $n=1$. Let $f: \mathbb R \rightarrow \mathbb R$, $a \in \mathbb R$, $A_d$ be the interval of length $d$ centered at $a$, $\mu$ stand for the Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb R$.
Question: When $ \frac{1}{\mu(A_d)}\int_{A_d} f(x)d\mu$ is an increasing function of $d$?
Answer: This is true if $f$ is convex (I could not find this anwser in the literature but can prove it).
I am looking for an extension of this result over$f: \mathbb R^n \rightarrow \mathbb R$ (now $A_d$ is the $n$-dimensional cube with an edge of length $d$ centered at $a \in \mathbb R^n$, $\mu$ is the Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb R^n$). Would convexity of $f$ be enough?