Is there any closed form solution for $\sigma$ in a bimodal Weibull distribution function written in the following form:
$$ P(\sigma) = 1- exp\Bigg(-\alpha\Big(\frac{\sigma}{\sigma_1}\Big)^{m1} -\alpha\Big(\frac{\sigma}{\sigma_2}\Big)^{m2}\Bigg) $$
where $P(\sigma)$ is the probability distribution function, $\alpha$ is constant and $\sigma_i$ and $m_i$ are the scale and the shape parameter respectively?
Morover it is possible to obtain a closed form solution for a multimodal Weibull distribution of order $n$ as:
$$ P(\sigma) = 1- exp\Bigg(\sum\limits_{i=1}^n-\alpha\Big(\frac{\sigma}{\sigma_i}\Big)^{mi}\Bigg) $$
Thanks in advance.