It is well known that R. Hamilton (JDG 1982) used Ricci flow to show that a closed $3$-manifold with positive Ricci curvature must be diffeomorphic to a spherical space form $S^3/\Gamma$, since such metrics evolve to a limit which has constant curvature.
Together with some colleagues, I was under the suspicion that it was previously known that closed $3$-manifolds with positive sectional curvature satisfied this conclusion, but cannot seem to find such an earlier proof independent of Ricci flow. More precisely, I suspected it was possible to prove this statement by establishing that the Heegaard genus of such a manifold must be $\leq2$. So here is my:
Question. Is there a proof that if a closed manifold $M^3$ has $\sec>0$ then $M^3\cong S^3/\Gamma$ using Heegaard splittings instead of Ricci flow?