This is a question related to ideas raised in and Basically, the idea is the following:
Suppose I have a first-order theory $T$. Under what conditions are there "few" models of $T$ across all possible forcing extensions of the universe?
Maybe "few" is the wrong word - what I really mean is, when does the collection of "models of $T$ you can get by forcing" have some nontrivial structure?
There are a bunch of aspects of this question; the one I'm interested in right now is the following:
Say that a theory $T$ is generically embeddable if - whenever $\mathbb{P}$ is a forcing notion and $\nu$ is a $\mathbb{P}$-name such that $\Vdash_\mathbb{P}``\nu\models T"$ - there is some forcing notion $\mathbb{Q}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$-name $\mu$ such that $$\Vdash_{\mathbb{P}\times\mathbb{Q}} ``\mbox{$(\mu[G_1]\models T)$ and there is a homomorphism $h\colon \nu[G_0]\rightarrow\mu[G_1]$}."$$ (Note that this homomorphism of course exists in $V[G_0\times G_1]$.)
To get a sense of what this means, let's look at a counterexample. Take $T$ to be the true theory of second-order arithmetic - that is, $T=Th(\omega\sqcup 2^\omega; +, \times, \in)$. Then models of $T$ code reals, and this is bad. Specifically, let $\mathbb{P}$ be Cohen forcing, and let $\nu$ be the $\mathbb{P}$-name picking out the "true" model $(\omega\sqcup 2^\omega; +, \times, \in)^{V[G]}$. Then if $G_0\times G_1$ is $\mathbb{P}\times\mathbb{Q}$ generic - for any $\mathbb{Q}$! - since the real $G_0$ won't be in $V[G_1]$, no model $N$ of $T$ in $V[G_1]$ will embed $\nu[G_0]$, since such a homomorphism would have to biject $\nu[G_0]$ with the well-founded segment of $N$, and from this we could recover $G_0$ in $V[G_1]$.
More generally, theories which let you code sets are bad.
My question is: When is a theory generically embeddable? Specifically, are there model-theoretic niceness properties which guarantee this? For instance, I can't come up with a stable example of a non-generically embeddable theory $T$, but I also can't prove there isn't one. I can prove that if $T$ is totally categorical, then $T$ is generically embeddable, but this isn't very interesting (in fact, it's hard not to prove this).
EDIT: Note that there are many natural strengthenings of this: e.g.
We may demand that $\mathbb{Q}=\mathbb{P}$, or even $\mathbb{Q}=\mathbb{P}$ and $\mu=\nu$!
We may ask for the homomorphism $h$ to be an elementary embedding, or satisfy some other strong property (e.g. the papers linked above looked at isomorphisms, not homomorphisms).
We may restrict attention to certain classes of forcing notions, or certain names (e.g. the papers linked above looked only at $\nu$ such that $\Vdash_\mathbb{P}$``$\nu[G]$ is countable").
For now, though, I'm interested in the question as it stands.