so let $T=\tau(M,\theta,\xi)$ a rectifiable current in $U\subset\mathbb{R}^{n+k}$, then $T$ has mean curvature vector $H$ if for every $X\in C^1_c(U\setminus\partial T,\mathbb{R}^{n+k})$ the variation $$\int \operatorname{div}_M X \; d\mu_T = \int X \cdot H \;d\mu_T\quad (\ast)$$ holds.
There are different integrands one can consider to get such currents. My question is: If one calculates the first variation and get an expression like $$\Big|\int \operatorname{div}_M X\; d\mu_T\Big| \le \lambda \int |X\wedge \xi| \; d\mu_T$$
why follows the existance of a vector $H$ s.t. $|H|\le\lambda$, $H\in (T_xM)^\perp$ and the variation $(\ast)$ holds.
Thanks a lot!