The standard Dirac delta is a generalised function (or measure, or distribution...) $\delta(x)$ which can be seen as a weak limit functions $\delta_n(x)$ spiked at the the origin, in the sense that:
$\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty} \int_{\mathbb{R}} f(x)\delta_n(x-a)dx = f(a)$
I am aware that one can define a $p$-adic Dirac measure satisfying the sifting property
$\int_{\mathbb{Z}_p} f(x) d\delta_p = f(0)$
for functions $f:\mathbb{Z}_p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ (or $\mathbb{C}$).
QUESTION: Can the $p$-adic Dirac measure also be seen as a weak limit of $p$-adic functions as in the real case? That is, do there exist functions $\delta_n(x):\mathbb{Z}_p \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ such that
$\lim_{n \rightarrow \infty}\int_{\mathbb{Z}_p} f(x)\delta_n(x-a) d\mu = f(a)$
for any suitably well behaved function $f(x)$, where $d\mu$ is the Haar measure? Or if that is not the appropriate analogue, what would be?
Apologies if this is standard, but I couldn't find a reference for this in the literature after some searching. Thanks.