I am looking for the English translation of the paper by V. M. Borok (originally in Russian) The Cauchy problem for finite-infinite systems of linear differential equations. This work is about the Cauchy problem $x'=Ax$ where $A$ is an infinite matrix, with possibly unbounded coefficients, whose $i$-th row has only a finite number of elements.
Checking here: ZentralMath says that the English translation is at the journal "Sov. Math. 26, No.7, 1-11 (1982); translation from Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Mat. 1982, No.7(242), 3-10 (1982)." A search at my university library led me to "Soviet Mathematics Doklady", vol. 26, 1982, Tom 265-267, but it is not this one. I also looked at Turpion.org and at Izvestiya: Mathematics of IOPScience, with no success.
What is the complete name of the journal in English? Is there an electronic copy?