Consider the fundamental unit $\varepsilon$ of a real quadratic number field $k = {\mathbb Q}(\sqrt{p})$ for primes $p \equiv 1 \bmod 4$, and let $h$ denote its class number. By Dirichlet's work on class number formulas, $\varepsilon^h$ is a norm of a cyclotomic unit in the maximal real subfield $K^+$ of the field $K = {\mathbb Q}(\zeta_p)$ of $p$-th roots of unity. In particular, $\varepsilon$ is the norm of a cyclotomic unit if $h = 1$.
If $h > 1$ (in our case, $h$ is odd), we know that $h$ divides the class number $h^+$ of $K^+$, and that the cyclotomic units form a subgroup of index $h^+$ in the group of all units of $K^+$. Thus it might well be possible that $\varepsilon$ is the norm of a cyclotomic unit even in this case, and my question is: Is the fundamental unit of $k$ (for prime values of $p$) always the norm of a unit from $K^+$?