Suppose I have a number field $F$, and a finite place $v$ of $F$. Let $E$ be finite extension of $F_v$. I start with a continuous morphism $$ \chi \colon O_{F_v}^\times \to E^\times. $$ where $O_{F_v}$ is the ring of integers of the completion $F_v$ of $F$ at $v$.
My question is if $\chi$ can be extended to a continuous morphism $$ \epsilon \colon {\mathbb A}_F^\times/ \overline{F^\times (F \otimes {\mathbb R})^{\times, 0}} \to E^\times $$ where $\mathbb A_F$ are the adeles of $F$, and $(F \otimes {\mathbb R})^{\times, 0}$ is the identity component of the group $(F \otimes {\mathbb R})^{\times}$.
I am mostly interested in the case where $F$ is totally real.