Given $A\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$, what is $s_* = \arg\min \|A-sI\|$?
Here $\|A\|$ is the operator norm, $\|A\|=\rho(A^*A)^{1/2}$, and $I$ is the identity.
The corresponding problem for the Frobenius norm $\|A\|_F = \left(\sum A_{ij}^2\right)^{1/2}$ has a simple solution: reduce to the triangular case with a Schur factorization $A=QTQ^*$ (which does not alter $\|A\|_F=\|T\|_F$), then the problem becomes the one of minimizing $\sum_i |\lambda_i-s|^2$, with $\lambda_i=T_{ii}$ the eigenvalues of $A$, and then the solution is the arithmetic mean $s_{*,F}=\frac{1}{n}\sum \lambda_i$.
I do not see a simple solution for the case of the operator norm, though; I have tried applying the Schur factorization or the SVD, but the resulting problem is not immediate. Do you have any ideas? Or is this problem a known one?