Recall that a topological space is called $A$-affine for a sheaf of algebras $A$ if taking global sections of coherent sheaves of $A$-modules is an equivalence of categories to finitely generated $\Gamma(A)$-modules. (for example, an affine scheme is one which is affine for the structure sheaf).
It seems to be a "well-known fact" that the variety $G/P$ for any simple complex algebraic group $G$ and parabolic $P$ is $D$-affine where $D$ is the sheaf of differential operators (and that more generally, one can quite explicitly describe the set of TDO's which are affine). I've found this stated in several books and papers (Beilinson and Bernstein's original paper, "Algebra V: homological algebra", this paper of Alexander Samokhin) but have yet to find an actual proof. One place one might guess it would be that it seems to not be is the book of Hotta, Takeuchi and Tanisaki.
Does anyone know a published source where this is proved?
I'll emphasize, what I want is not a proof of the theorem in the answers here; that's easy once you understand Beilinson and Bernstein's original argument. What I'm looking for in a place in the literature where this result is clearly and precisely stated, with a proof or clear reference to a proof.