I saw the question:
and though I know that there are rare CM elliptic curves, I wonder what kind of curves with higher genus have the CM Jacobians?
I saw the question:
and though I know that there are rare CM elliptic curves, I wonder what kind of curves with higher genus have the CM Jacobians?
I am not sure whether this answers your question: it is a conjecture of Coleman that for a fixed genus $g$ sufficiently high, there should be only finitely many CM Jacobians of genus $g$. In fact Coleman stated the conjecture for $g\geq 4$, but by now there are counter-examples for $g\leq 7$ (at least). See for instance this paper of B. Moonen.
It should be noted that Murabayashi determined that there should be finitely many (whose moduli lie in the rational numbers) for $g=2$ over the complex numbers and (mostly) explicitly determined them.