I have a question regarding exercise 2.1.5 on page 19 in this book: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~zeitouni/cupbook.pdf
I would like a reference or help on this exercise.
The exercise asks the following:
Consider symmetric random matrices $X_N$, with the zero mean independent random varibles $\{ X_N(i,j) \}_{1\le i \le j\le N}$ no longer assumed identically distributed nor all of variance $1/N$. Check that Theorem 2.1.1 still holds if one assumes that for all $\epsilon >0 $, $$\lim_{N \to \infty} \frac{\#\{ (i,j) : |1-NE(X_N(i,j)^2)|< \epsilon \}}{N^2}=1$$
and for all $k\ge 1$, there exists a finite $r_k$ independent of $N$ s.t: $$\sup_{1\le i \le j\le N} E|\sqrt{N}X_N(i,j)|^k \le r_k$$
where Theorem 2.1.1 appears on page 7, and it states the following: For a Wigner matrix, the empirical measure $L_N$ converges weakly, in probability, to the semicircle distribution.
So how to show that the theorem stays the same under this change, is there any reference for this?
Thanks. P.S I tried to ask my question in MSE, but so far only 11 viewed it and none replied, it seems more appropriate here.