Is there any characterization of the space $C^\infty(\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n)$ that I can take as a definition of it?
I assume it would be something like this:
$$C^\infty(\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n):=\{f\in C^\infty(\mathbb R^n\times \mathbb R^n): f(x+\xi, y)=f(x, y)\ \forall \xi\in\mathbb Z^n\},$$ Is it ok? And what about $C^\infty_0(\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n)$?
Secondly, what would be a reasonable definition of (an analogue of) the Schwartz space on $\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n$? Maybe:
$$\mathscr{S}(\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n)=\{f\in C^\infty(\mathbb T^n\times \mathbb R^n): f(t, \cdot)\in \mathscr{S}(\mathbb R^n)\ \forall t\in \mathbb T^n\}?$$
If those spaces are treated somewhere I would appreciate references.