Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^N$ be open. Given a weight function $v\geq 1$ such that $v\in L^1_{\text{loc}}(\Omega)$ and $l.s.c$. Also supposethere exists a Lipschitz continuous sequence $v_n$ such that $1\leq v_n\leq v$ and $v_n\nearrow v$ for all $x\in\Omega$. Note that $v$ may not bounded above.
Define $C_c(\Omega,v):=\{u\in C(\Omega), u/v\in C_c(\Omega)\}$.
My question: do we have $$ C_c(\Omega,v)\subset\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty C_c(\Omega,v_n), $$ or, in another words, for any $f\in C_c(\Omega,v)$ there exists a $n_0$ such that $f\in C_c(\Omega,v_{n_0})$?
I realize that the above argument is trivial as I set $v\in L^1_{\text{loc}}$. To make question more interesting, I delete the assumption that $v\in L^1_{\text{loc}}$ and hence $v$ could be $+\infty$ over a positive measure set. Now $u/v\in C_c(\Omega)$ no longer makes $u$ is compact supported. Now, is my claim still hold?