We have explicit expressions for the quadratic Hilbert symbol over $\mathbb Q$, for example $\left(\dfrac{x,y}2\right)_2=(-1)^{\frac{x-1}2\frac{y-1}2} (x,y\ne2)$. Are similar expressions known for the Hilbert symbol $\left(\dfrac{x,y}v\right)_4$ of order 4, for the places $v$ of $\mathbb Q(\sqrt{-1})$? In particular for the place above 2?
For completeness I recall the definiton: Using the notation from Gras' Class Field Theory, the Hilbert symbol $\left(\dfrac{-,-}v\right):K^\times\times K^\times\to\mu(K)$ on a global field $K$ at the place $v$ is given by $$\left(\dfrac{x,y}v\right)=\dfrac{\sigma(\sqrt[m]{x})}{\sqrt[m]x},$$ where $\sigma=\left(\dfrac{y,K(\sqrt[m]x)/K}v\right)$ $(m=\#\mu(K))$ is the Hasse symbol, i.e., the image in $Gal(K(\sqrt[m]x)/K)$ of the local reciprocity map applied to $y$ for the given extension. For $n$ a divisor of $m$, the Hilbert symbol of order $n$ is $$\left(\dfrac{-,-}v\right)_n=\left(\dfrac{-,-}v\right)^{m/n}.$$