Let $N_1:=\chi_{[0,1]}$ be defined as this characteristic function and $N_n:=N_{n-1}*N_1$ then this leads to polynomials with support $[0,n]$. These splines are well-studied click for wikipedia My question is now: If you take the polynomial $N_n|_{[i,i+1]}$ and consider its unique smooth extension on $[0,n]$ which we denote $f_n,$ then I guess that $f_1,..,f_n$ are linearly independent.
For $n=2$ we get $N_2(x):=x$ on $[0,1]$ and $N_2(x):=-x+2$ on $[1,2]$ and $N_2$ is zero anywhere else. Now, it is true that $f_1(x):=x$ and $f_2(x):=-x+2$ are linearly independent as functions on $[0,2]$.
Is there a way to prove that this is true for all $n$? Due to their recursive definition, there is at least for me, no obvious way to do this.