In the English translation of The Gamma Function by Emil Artin (1964 - Holt, Rinehart and Winston) there appears to be a mistake in the formula given for the gamma function on page 24:
$$\Gamma(x) = \sqrt{2\pi}x^{x-1/2}e^{-x+\mu(x)}$$ $$\mu(x)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty(x+n+\frac{1}{2})\text{log}(1+\frac{1}{x+n})-1=\frac{\theta}{12x},\ \ \ \ \ 0 < \theta < 1$$
and on page 22 where this is derived, it is noted that '$\theta$ is a number independent of $x$ between 0 and 1'.
This sounds incorrect, as $\theta$ does depend on $x$, but since the wording is a little ambiguous it may just be an unclear translation. The original German might have meant that $0< \theta(x) < 1$ for any $x$. That the variable $x$ is suppressed from $\theta$ could be just confusing notation, or someone's misunderstanding (possibly mine.)
The preface does mention that a (different) formula had to be corrected for the English reprint.
I would like to know if there are mistakes in this book, and if so, whether they exist in the German edition. Is there an available list of errata?