Whenever $R$ is a commutative ring, write $R[x^{(n)}]$ for the set of all $p \in R[x]$ such that $p$ is a monic polynomial of degree $n$. Then $R[x^{(n)}]$ is not closed under sums, nor does it contain $0$. Nonetheless, it becomes an $R$-affine space in a natural way. Furthermore, for all natural numbers $n$ and $m$, there is a product function
$$C^{n,m} : R[x^{(n)}] \times R[x^{(m)}] \rightarrow R[x^{(n+m)}]$$
defined by $C^{n,m}(p,q) = pq.$ This holds irrespective of whether or not the commutative ring $R$ is integral. Furthermore, the $C$ family of functions satisfies analogues of all the usual axioms for a commutative monoid: for example, commutativity becomes:
$$C^{m,n}(p,q) = C^{n,m}(q,p)$$
Hence the monic polynomials in $R[x]$ form a multisorted algebraic structure in a natural way. The most elegant way to describe such algebraic structures uses multicategories.
To any additively-denoted commutative monoid $N$, we can assign a symmetric multicategory $N^{sym}$ whose objects are the elements of $N$, presented as follows.
Generators. The following collection of multiarrows, as $n$ and $m$ and vary over $N$.
$$C^{n,m} : n,m \rightarrow n+m.$$
Relations. The obvious analogues of the usual commutative monoid axioms.
(Not 100% sure this description of $N^{sym}$ works, but you get the general idea.)
Anyway, the upshot is that:
- $\{0\}^{sym}$ is the symmetric operad whose algebras in $\mathbf{Set}$ are commutative monoids.
- $\mathbb{N}^{sym}$ is the symmetric multicategory whose algebras in the symmetric multicategory of $R$-affine spaces are precisely the kinds of things we were trying to describe.
Question. Has this construction, which builds a symmetric multicategory from a commutative monoid, been described or studied anywhere, and if so, where? And if not, is it nonetheless a special case of a familiar construction?
I am also interested in terminology for some or all of the following concepts:
- The construction $N \mapsto N^{sym}$ that takes commutative monoids to symmetric multicategories.
- The symmetric multicategory $\mathbb{N}^{sym}$
- The algebras of $\mathbb{N}^{sym}$ in the symmetric multicategory of $R$-affine spaces.
- The functor that maps a commutative ring $R$ to the collection (viewed as an object of the above category) of monic polynomials in $R[x].$