I would tend to think that the following has already been investigated.
But as implied from the title, I have no idea how to even start looking for it.
Let $P_n$ denote the sum of the squares of the prime factors of $n$ with multiplicity; i.e.
let $\ S\ $ be a finite set of primes. Let $\ e: S\rightarrow\{1\ 2\ ...\}\ $ represents positive integer exponents in $\ n\ :=\ \prod_{p\in S}\ p^{e(p)}.\ $ Then
$$P_n\ :=\ \sum_{p\in S}\ e(p)\cdot p^2$$
Let $A_n$ denote the following sequence (defined for every $n>1$):
$ A_n= \begin{cases} \sqrt{P_n} & \text{$\sqrt{P_n} \in\mathbb{N}$}\\ {P_n} & \text{$\sqrt{P_n}\not\in\mathbb{N}$}\\ \end{cases} $
A few examples:
- $A_{5}=\sqrt{5^2}=5$
- $A_{30}=2^2+3^2+5^2=38$
- $A_{48}=\sqrt{2^2+2^2+2^2+2^2+3^2}=5$
- $A_{60}=2^2+2^2+3^2+5^2=42$
Now, form a sequence by performing this operation repeatedly, beginning with any positive integer $k>1$, and taking the result at each step as the input to the next. My conjecture is that this process will eventually reach a number $n$ such that $A_n=n$, regardless of which positive integer $k$ is chosen initially.
For example, an initial value of $k=9$ yields the following process:
- $A_{9}=3^2+3^2=18$
- $A_{18}=2^2+3^2+3^2=22$
- $A_{22}=2^2+11^2=125$
- $A_{125}=5^2+5^2+5^2=75$
- $A_{75}=3^2+5^2+5^2=59$
- $A_{59}=\sqrt{59^2}=59$
It's easy to observe that $A_n=n$ for every prime number $n$ ("landing" on the 1st case).
In addition to that, $A_n=n$ also for the non-prime $n=27$ ("landing" on the 2nd case).
I am pretty sure that $A_n\neq{n}$ for any other value of $n$, but I do not know how to prove this.
It would be nice if someone suggested a proof, although it is not the primary question at hand.
In any case, this conjecture seems much more probable than the $3n+1$ conjecture, since the latter has to "land" on a power of $2$, while the former can "land" on any prime number (or $27$), which is significantly more likely to occur within any given range.
However, the process seems to be growing up to rather large figures for certain initial values of $k$, such as $30$ and $60$ (and many others), so it may be possible to refute this conjecture by showing an initial value of $k$ for which the process never terminates.
So at this point I can consider three different approaches:
- Prove that the process converges for every initial value
- Prove that the process diverges for some initial value
- Show that the process loops for some initial value
The first two options seem quite difficult, and I wouldn't even know where to start.
The third option is the easiest, but I find it very unlikely that such initial value exists.
So any ideas or points of reference to related researches will be highly appreciated.