Landau's function $g(n)$ is the largest order of an element of the symmetric group $S_n$. Equivalently, $g(n)$ is the largest least common multiple (lcm) of any partition of $n$.
In general $g(n)$ is hard to compute and bounds are known.
I am wondering is it possible to compute $g(n)$ efficiently or even find easy closed form for special cases.
EDIT as Alexander Bors points out in comment, $\log{g(n)} \sim \sqrt{n\log{n}}$ which makes $g(n)$ exponential in $n$, possibly answering the previous revision.
Is there an infinite increasing sequence $a(n)$ of naturals for which $g(n)$ can be efficiently computed, assuming one can store $g(a(n))$ in RAM of sufficiently powerful computer?
2^4 * 3^2 * 5^2 * 7 * 11 * 13 * 17 * 19 * 23 * 29 * 31 * 37 * 43