
Consider the set $\{0, 3, 7, 15\}$ of four integers. If you add each of these numbers to a fixed power of 2, then the resulting four numbers are pairwise coprime. For example, $\{4, 7, 11, 19\}$ are pairwise coprime, as are $\{32, 35, 39, 47\}$. I can construct similar sets of any finite size, and for any prime.

Is there a name for such sets or any literature about sets with this property? Thanks for any references!

  • $\begingroup$ Somewhat related are covering congruences, which are used to show certain expressions are never prime, such as 2^N + C. Erdos and Pomerance have some articles. You might also look up Guy's Unsolved Problems In Number Theory for similar problems. Gerhard "Going Off On A Tangent" Paseman, 2014.11.29 $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 29, 2014 at 22:33


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