Say one only seeks to identify whether a given polynomial over $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ is reducible, then what are the best ways known to solve this?
$(1)$ If the polynomial is reducible, the algorithm should correctly say yes.
$(2)$ If the polynomial is not reducible, the algorithm should correctly say no.
I want to avoid LLL.
The absolute value of the degree $i$th coefficient of the polynomial is at most some fixed $B_i>0$ where $d$ is the degree. I would like to certify whether the polynomial is reducible or not with two sided error $\epsilon$ in running time $$O(\big[d\log_2\big(\prod_{i=0}^dB_i\big)^{\frac{1}{d}}\big]^{c+\frac{1}{\epsilon}})=O(\big[\log_2\big(\prod_{i=0}^dB_i\big)^{}\big]^{c+\frac{1}{\epsilon}})$$ for some fixed $c>0$.