I have encountered this problem a while ago when working on boundary conditions in graphene, see http://arxiv.org/abs/0710.2723 for more context. Since I liked the problem and the solution, I now give it as a test exercise to prospective PhD students, and that is perhaps how it ended here (well, I suppose I'll need to replace the problem now). The solution is given in appendix B of the reference above, I'll copy it here for the interested people.
The reason why I ask to solve this problem is because the best way to solve it is to first gain intuition by studying the problem numerically (luckily it's easy), and then to try to generalize. However mostly I see that the applicants try to apply textbook methods, namely the Rouché's theorem, which leads to a messy integral and a dead end. So let us start with studying how the equation behaves. Let us plot the solutions for a particular choice of n and m:
Indeed, as hinted by @fedja in his comment we see that the roots lie on a contour which passes through $-1/2 \pm i\sqrt{3}/2$. Now it's clear what has to be done. We rewrite the equation in polar coordinates:
$$|1+z|^{n+m} = |z|^n$$
$$(n+m)\arg(1+z) = n\arg(z) \mod 2\pi$$
The first equation requires that the roots lie on the contour shown in bold in the figure above. The second equation allows to count the roots between any two points on this contour by calculating the increase of the arguments between these two points. Using that $\arg(1+z)$ and $\arg(z)$ change by $\pm 2\pi/3$ monotonically between $-1/2 -i\sqrt{3}/2$ and $-1/2 + i\sqrt{3}/2$ and counting the multiplicities leads us to the correct answer written above.
For $n$ and $m$ divisible by $3$ there are two roots that lie on the unit circle, which was important for me in the context of the application to graphene, and which is the border case that @fedja mentioned.