It will be better if you write the definition of your matrix in a more readable way.
From what you wrote, it seems that your matrix satisfies $M(k,k+1)M(k+1,k)\geq 0$.
With this condition, all eigenvalues are real.
In general the eigenvalues of a Jacobi (3-diagonal) matrix will not change if you replace
both off diagonal elements $M(k,k+1)$ and $M(k+1,k)$ by square root of their product.
So if the product of off diagonal elements is positive you obtain a symmetric matrix.
Ref. R. Gantmakher and M. Krein, Oscillation matrices..., MR1908601.
EDIT. One way to prove this is indicated in the comment below by Anthony Quas.
Another way (used in Gantmakher and Krein) is to write explicitly the characteristic polynomial, and to notice that off-diagonal elements enter only in the form of products
One more remark. This argument shows that there always exists an explicitly written quadratic form with respect to which our operator is Hermitean. If the products of
off diagonal elements are all positive, this quadratic form is positive definite, and we have all real eigenvalues. But even if the products are not all positive, and
the quadratic form is indefinite, one can sometimes obtain existence of SOME real eigenvalues by using a theorem of Pontryagin on
Hermitean operators with respect to indefinite form.