For a vector space $V$, let $BS(V)$ be the set of cardinalities (not necessarily $\aleph$s) of bases of $V$. Of course, in ZFC each $BS(V)$ is a singleton, but supposing the axiom of choice fails, it is consistent to have $BS(V)=\emptyset$ or $\vert BS(V)\vert>1$.
Now let $\mathfrak{BS}$ be the class $\{BS(V): V\text{ a vector space}\}$. My question is:
What restrictions on $\mathfrak{BS}$ can be proved in ZF?
(The question I want to ask is "What are the possible values for $\mathfrak{BS}$?", but since without choice there is no canonical picture of what the cardinalities 'are' I'm not even sure how to phrase that.)
Of course, the question can be asked in general for generating sets of arbitrary algebraic structures. One more question I would love to know the answer to, but which I think is too broad, is How different is the situation when we ask the same question in this much greater generality?
I am asking this question for vector spaces over all fields, but I would also be interested in answers for vector spaces over specific (classes of) fields, especially (classes of) well-orderable fields.
To help make this question less hopelessly broad, let me ask a specific sub-question, the answer to which I'm sure is "no" (but I can't prove it):
Is it consistent with ZF that $\mathfrak{BS}$ is closed under finite intersections?
In general, what are the "best" (i.e., most structurally rich - closed under lots of operations) kinds of algebraic structure $\mathfrak{BS}$ can have?