I am wondering if someone has ever studied the following operator in the context of quantum mechanics:
$$Q : L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$$
$$(Q f)(x) := s(x) f(x),$$
where $s(x)$ is the integer part of $x$. The operator $Q$ may also be thought of as $s(q)$, where $q$ is the usual position operator.
For example it is easy to see that it possess as eigenvectors all the function with support on a interval $(n,n+1)$, and the operator $P$ defined as $U^\dagger Q U$, where $U$ is the Fourier transform, is the same as $s(p)$, where $p$ is the usual momentum operator.
Can you suggest me some reference for such operator? For example I'd like to know the commutator $[Q,P]$.