If $ A $ and $ B $ are $ C^{*} $-algebras, then they are strongly Morita equivalent if there exist a $ (B,A) $-bimodule $ E $ and an $ (A,B) $-bimodule $ F $ such that $$ E \otimes_{A} F \cong B \quad \text{and} \quad F \otimes_{B} E \cong A, $$ where the isomorphisms are between $ (B,B) $-bimodules and between $ (A,A) $-bimodules respectively. All bimodules are meant to be Hilbert bimodules.
I was wondering:
Question. If two $ C^{*} $-algebras are strongly Morita equivalent and one knows the bimodules that implement the strong Morita equivalence, then does there exist a morphism between the $ C^{*} $-algebras that can be defined using the bimodules?
I thank everyone in advance for their help.