Given $m<n$. Suppose that $H$ and $K$ be $m \times n$ and $n\times (n-m)$ matrices such that rank$(H)=m$, rank$(K)=n-m$, and $HK=0$. For fixed non singular symmetric matrix $A$ define \begin{equation} P=A^{-1}H^T(HA^{-1}H^T)^{-1}H\ \text{and} \ Q=K(K^TAK)^{-1}K^TA. \end{equation}
I'd like to have $P+Q$ is the $n\times n$ identity matrix.
It can be verified that $[H^T,A^{-1}K](P+Q)=[H^T,A^{-1}K].$ So, if $[H^T,A^{-1}K]$ is invertible then $P+Q=I$. However, it is quite difficult the invertibility of $[H^T,A^{-1}K]$. Therefore, I wonder $P+Q=I$ not need to be true. Can anyone help me? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks