The group mentioned in the title, $\langle x,y,z|xyzx^{-1}y^{-1}z^{-1}=1\rangle$, is in between the torus fundamental group $\langle x,y|xyx^{-1}y^{-1}=1\rangle$ and the two-holed torus fundamental group $\langle x,y,z,w|xyzx^{-1}y^{-1}z^{-1}w^{-1}=1\rangle$.
It is not the hexagonal presentation of the torus because the homology is not the same (gluing up a hexagon with that pattern gives you two vertices instead of one, giving you only two loops in the one-skeleton, so this is not the torus group).
Its Cayley graph can be realized as an infinite tiling of hexagons, each of which meet six to a vertex.
Such a tiling can be embedded in the hyperbolic plane, making the Cayley graph quasi-isometric to hyperbolic space, which means that the group is delta hyperbolic with a circle at infinity, implying that the group is Fuchsian, by the work of Gabai and others.
So it has a finite index surface subgroup. But this group is a subgroup of the RAAG with defining graph the diamond graph, I.e. $F_2\times F_2$. This can be seen by letting $a,b$ generate the first free group, $c,d$ generate the second subgroup, and letting $x=ab^{-1},y=bc^{-1}$, and $z=cd^{-1}$.
*Edit:*I meant to say that $a,c$ generate the first group and $b,d$ generate the second.\
So this implies that the diamond graph contains a hyperbolic subgroup. But in all the RAAG references, they say that RAAG's contain surface subgroups if they contain 5-cycles. So why does it seem as if a four-cycle (the diamond graph) contains a surface subgroup?