I have a question about the terminology for special values of L-functions. Is the following a correct description of standard usage:
Suppose L(s) is an L-function which satisfies a functional equation relating $s$ to $w+1-s$, where $w$ is the (motivic) weight. ADDED LATER: I am assuming the L-function is motivic, otherwise (please correct me if I am wrong) there is nothing special about the value at any integer.
1) If $m$ is an integer then $L(m)$ is a special value of the L-function.
2) If $m$ is an integer and neither $m$ nor $w+1-m$ is a pole of a $\Gamma$-factor of the L-function, then $m$ is a critical point and $L(m)$ is a critical value of the L-function.
3) $L(\frac{w+1}{2})$ is the central value of the L-function.
4) If $\frac{w+1}{2}$ is not an integer, then the central value is not a special value.
I am pretty sure 2) is correct, unless Deligne's notion of critical point is not the only one. I am also pretty sure 3) is correct, since the central point of the functional equation is pretty unambiguous. It is 1) and 4) that I am hoping the experts can clarify.