Given a finite quandle $Q$, for any knot $K$ one can associate an invariant, i.e. the number of proper colorings $p(K)$. Let us consider the inverse $K^{-1}$ and mirror image $K'$ of $K$. My queston is, is there any relation between $p(K^{-1})$ $(p(K'))$ and $p(K)$? In general, with an appropriate finite quandle, can we distinguish a knot from its inverse (mirror image) by counting the number of proper colorings?
It seems that the number of proper colorings is exactly the number of homomorphisms from the knot quandle of $K$ to the quandle $Q$ (trivial homomorphism corresponds to trivial coloring). Hence my question concerns the relation between the knot quandle of $K^{-1}$ $(K')$ and the knot quandle of $K$. I only know that the knot quandle is a complete invariant for unoriented knots.
Any hints are welcome.