I got stuck into a problem and couldn't find its satisfactory answer anywhere.
My question is simple. Suppose I have a fat random matrix (i,e., $R$ has dimensions $k\times d$ where $k<d$) whose
elements are chosen from a i.i.d. standard normal distribution $N(0,1)$.
Suppose I find its pseudo-inverse, given by: $R^+ = (R' R)^{-1} R'$.
- Will this pseudo-inverse matrix still remain random ?
- If yes, will it contain elements distributed with normal distribution?
- If yes, what would be the mean and variance of this this normal distribution?
I am asking these questions because I have experimented with a lot of random matrices (with elements distributed with $N(0,1)$. When in plot a histogram of pseudo inverse elements, it comes a normal distribution with mean $= 0$ and variance $= 1/(\text{variance of }R \times d^2)$ ; where $d$ are the columns in $R.$)
I have tried to find the PDF using Jacobian transform but i could not figure out how will it shape up the variance.
I would be thankful if you could guide me or clarify my problem.