A lot of times I see theorems stated for local rings, but usually they are also true for "graded local rings", i.e., graded rings with a unique homogeneous maximal ideal (like the polynomial ring). For example, the Hilbert syzygy theorem, the Auslander-Buchsbaum formula, statements related to local cohomology, etc.
But it's not entirely clear to me how tight this analogy is. I certainly don't expect all statements about local rings to extend to graded local rings, so I'd like to know about some "pitfalls" in case I ever decide to make an "oh yes, this obviously extends" fallacy. What are some examples of statements which are true for local rings whose graded analogues are not necessarily true? Or another related question: what kind of intuition should I have when I want to conclude that statements have graded versions?
There is a notion of "generalized local ring" due to Goto and Watanabe which includes graded local rings and local rings: a positively graded ring that is finitely generated as an algebra over its zeroth degree part, and its zeroth degree part is a local ring, so one possibility is just to see if this weaker definition is enough to prove the statement. Of course the trouble comes when the proofs cite other sources, and become unmanageable to trace back to first principles.