Let $P$ be a forcing notion. Let $B(P)$ be the boolean completion of $P$ and $i : P \rightarrow B(P)$ be the corresponding dense embedding (in $B(P)^{+}$). Let $G$ be $B(P)$-generic over $M$, the transitive ground model satisfying ZFC.
I know that if $N$ is a transitive model of ZFC such that $M \subset N \subset M[G]$, then $N = M[D \cap G]$ for some complete subalgebra $D$ of $B(P)$. But can we say anything about $(X :=) ran(i) \cap D$ and $(Y :=) i^{-1}[D]$? Is $X$ dense in $D^{+}$? Is $Y$ the range of some complete embedding into $P$? Are there any other interesting properties about them?
Thanks in advance.