It is well-known that the equation for stationary solutions of the Einstein-Hilbert functional (without matter and cosmological constant, which is irrelevant here):
$$S = \int_M R \mu_g,$$
is given by the Einstein's field equation:
$$Ric -\frac{1}{2}R g = 0, $$
where $\mu_g$ is the canonical volume form given by the metric $g$, $Ric$ is the Ricci curvature and $R$ is the Ricci scalar.
The standard derivation of the above statement seems to be a not so hard but not so pleasant direct calculation, either in coordinates or abstract indices, expanding everything in terms of the Christoffel symbol and eventually in terms of $g$ and then calculus.
My questions is: is there a more geometric and coordinate-free way to derive this?