See, Theorem 1.4(a): Is there an example of a semisimple $\mathbf{Q}_\ell$-representation $V$ of $G_F$ ($F$ a global field) ramified at a set $S$ of places where $S$ is not finite (for every $\dim{V} \geq 1$)?
2 Answers
In the case $\dim V=2$, my advisor Ravi Ramakrishna has shown in his paper Infinitely ramified Galois representations (Ann. Math. 151) that there are surjective representations $\rho\colon G_\mathbf{Q}\to \mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbf{Z}_p)$ ramified at infinitely many primes.
It seems that for $\dim{V} = 1$, there is no such representation p. 10.
$\begingroup$ The link seems to be… $\endgroup$– WatsonCommented May 2, 2018 at 19:07