Consider the following method of generating a random tree with $n$ nodes.
First expand the root node into two branches.
Then expand one of the two terminal nodes at random.
At time $k$, choose one of the $k - 1$ terminal nodes according to a uniform distribution and expand it. Continue until $n$ terminal nodes have been generated.
Consider another generating method.
First choose an integer $N_1$ uniformly distributed on {$1,2,...,n-1$}. Then we expand the root node into to branches with $N_1$ and $n-N_1$ writing under them.
Then do the same thing recursively until some node become 2 and expand into 1 and 1.
I was told such to generating method will yield the same probability distribution. The hint say to use a Polya's urn model to explain it. But I'm confused.
Anyone can explain it to me?