Suppose we have a (real, separable) Banach space $V$ and a (linear) set $A\subseteq V$. I presume in general it might not be possible to write every element of the closed span of $A$ as an infinite linear combination $\sum_{i=1}^\infty\beta_i a_i$ of elements of $A$. Are there simple (non-trivial) conditions guaranteeing that the closed linear span of $A$ coincides with its infinite linear span (perhaps with unconditional/absolute convergence)?
My example of interest is the following: Let $X$ be a compact metric space and $F:X\to X$ a continuous map. My space $V$ is the space $C(X)$ of continuous (real-valued) functions on $X$, and $A$ is the subset of functions that can be written as $\varphi\circ F - \varphi$ for some $\varphi\in C(X)$.
Thank you for any help.