I noticed that for primes $p \le 109$, the following seems to be true:
$$\sum_{i | p\#}^{p\#} \left\lfloor{\frac{p}{i}\mu(i)}\right\rfloor = 1$$
where $\mu(i)$ is the Mobius function.
For example:
$\frac{2}{1} + \frac{2}{2}(-1) = 1$
$\frac{3}{1} + \lfloor\frac{3}{2}(-1)\rfloor + \frac{3}{3}(-1) + \lfloor\frac{3}{6}\rfloor = 1$
and so on...
I verified this up to $p=109$ using a simple java application.
I might be making a mistake in my code or my thinking. This seems like a very surprising result to me.
Is it correct? If it is, does it stop being true for some prime? Could anyone help me to understand this result.
Thanks very much,