Let $X$ be a smooth variety of finite type over a number field $k$. Let $\overline{X} = X \times_{k} \overline{k}$, and let $\ell$ be a prime. It's well known that if $X$ is proper, then the étale cohomology groups $H^i_{et}(\overline{X}, \mathbb{Z}_{\ell})$ are unramified at any prime $\mathfrak{p} \nmid \ell$ at which $X$ has good reduction (and in fact are isomorphic as representations of $\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{K}_\mathfrak{p} / K_\mathfrak{p})$ to the étale cohomology groups of the special fibre).
Does this statement also hold if $X$ is not assumed to be proper? (I'm interested in the case of smooth affine varieties.) What about the weaker statement that $H^i_{et}(\overline{X}, \mathbb{Z}_{\ell})$ is unramified almost everywhere?
(I don't know a reference for the proof of the "well known" statement -- I couldn't find it in Milne's books or in SGA 4.5.)