Here is the answer for $Co_1$ which I obtained in GAP.
For given $2A$ involution $a$ in $Co_1$ the number $n$ of such $2A$ involutions $b$ that product $ab$ is in conjugacy class $C$ is presented in format $[C, n]$. I call hook the order of product.
$[ [ "1a", 1 ], [ "2a", 12870 ], [ "2c", 60480 ], [ "3b", 573440 ], [ "3d", 491520 ], [ "4a", 34560 ], [ "4c", 4838400 ], [ "4d", 2419200 ], [ "5b", 12386304 ], [ "6e", 25804800 ] ]$
Next the relation between two $E_8$ sublattices $L_a$ and $L_b$ of Leech lattice is presented in following format.
[hook of a and b, number of vectors belonging to intersection of $L_a$ and $L_b$, dimension of vector space generated by both $L_a$ and $L_b$, $[k,l]$ where $k$ is number of vectors in $L_a$ having exactly $l$ perpendicular vectors in $L_b$.
First two rows correspond to $2A$ hook in $Co_1$. These are two cases in $Co_0$. For given $E_8$ sublattice there are $270$ sublattices perpendicular to it (first row) and $12600$ intersecting in $D_4$ sublattice (second row).
$[ 2, 0, 16, [ [ 240, 240 ] ] ]$
$[ 2, 24, 12, [ [ 192, 84 ], [ 24, 126 ], [ 24, 240 ] ] ]$
$[ 2, 4, 14, [ [ 48, 84 ], [ 132, 126 ], [ 60, 240 ] ] ]$
$[ 3, 0, 16, [ [ 240, 126 ] ] ]$
$[ 3, 6, 14, [ [ 162, 84 ], [ 78, 126 ] ] ]$
$[ 4, 0, 16, [ [ 240, 84 ] ] ]$
$[ 4, 0, 16, [ [ 24, 84 ], [ 192, 126 ], [ 24, 240 ] ] ]$
$[ 4, 2, 15, [ [ 120, 84 ], [ 114, 126 ], [ 6, 240 ] ] ]$
$[ 5, 0, 16, [ [ 120, 84 ], [ 120, 126 ] ] ]$
$[ 6, 0, 16, [ [ 66, 84 ], [ 168, 126 ], [ 6, 240 ] ] ]$
The numbers $84$ and $126$ which appear on second $l$ position correspond to $D_7$ and $E_7$ sublattices of $E_8$. The first case happens when projection of the vector on $E_8$ is collinear with "type 4" vector which is sum of two perpendicular vectors from the lattice. The second case happens when projection of the vector on $E_8$ is collinear with lattice vector.
As we can see one of the 4-hook is obtained by intersection in one line of the two 8-planes. This feature can be used to define the Leech lattice from $Co_0$ in 24-dim space. I don't know whether this is useful for something yet.