- Let $a(n)$ be A065601 (i.e., number of Dyck paths of length $2n$ with exactly $1$ hill). Here $$ a(n) = \frac{1}{2(n+1)}((3n-2)a(n-1) + 2(9n-19)a(n-2) + 4(2n-3)a(n-3)), \\ a(0) = a(2) = 0, a(1) = 1. $$ Also ordinary generating function is $$ \frac{1}{x}\left(\frac{1-\sqrt{1-4x}}{3-\sqrt{1-4x}}\right)^2. $$ Finally, the closed form is $$ a(n) = \frac{1}{n+1}\sum\limits_{j=0}^{n-1}\binom{2n-j-1}{n}(j+1)(j+2)(-1)^j. $$
- Start with vectors $\nu_1, \nu_2$ of length $n$ with elements $\nu_{1,i} = 1, \nu_{2,i}=i$ (that is, $\nu_1 = \{1, 1, \dotsc, 1\}$, $\nu_2 = \{1, 2, \dotsc, n\}$) and for $i$ from $1$ to $n-1$ and for $j$ from $i+1$ to $n$ apply $[\nu_{1,j}, \nu_{2,j}] := [\nu_{1,j} + \nu_{2,j-1}, \nu_{2,j} + \nu_{1,j-1}]$.
I conjecture that after the whole transform we have $|\nu_{1,i}-\nu_{2,i}|=a(i-1)$.
Here is the PARI/GP program to check it numerically:
upto1(n) = my(v1); v1 = vector(n, i, 1); v2 = vector(n, i, i); for(i=1, n-1, for(j=i+1, n, v1[j] += v2[j-1]; v2[j] += v1[j-1])); vector(n, i, abs(v1[i]-v2[i]))
upto2(n) = my(v1); v1 = vector(n+1, i, 0); v1[2] = 1; for(i=3, n, v1[i+1] = ((3*i - 2)*v1[i] + 2*(9*i - 19)*v1[i-1] + 4*(2*i-3)*v1[i-2])/(2*(i+1))); v1
test(n) = upto1(n+1) == upto2(n)
Is there a way to prove it?