Assume for the sake of contradiction that $a_i = 6, i \in [n, 2n]$. Consider the rational number $$r = \sum_{i = 0}^{n-1} a_i7^{-i} + \frac{1}{7^{n-1}}.$$ Clearly, $r > \sqrt{7}$. On the other hand, since the next digits in $\sqrt{7}$ up to $i = 2n$ are $6$, we have $r - \frac{1}{7^{2n}} < \sqrt{7}$. This means that
$$0 < r-\sqrt{7} < \frac{1}{7^{2n}}.$$
Let's multiply this by $(r+\sqrt{7})$ (note that $r < 4$, say, so this number is less than $7$). We will get
$$0 < r^2-7 < \frac{1}{7^{2n-1}}$$
If we multiply this by $7^{2n-2}$ then the number in the center will be an integer. So, we get an integer between $0$ and $\frac{1}{7}$, but such an integer does not exist -- contradiction.
In general if we know it for $i\in [n, 2n-c]$ for some constant $c$, then we will get a solution $(x, y)$ to the Pell-like equation with $y$ being a power of $7$, and I think modern number theory knows how to rule such things out.
Update: since it was mentioned that $a_n$ is not necessarily $6$, the argument above needs a modification. Doing the same thing as above we will eventually reach an equation of the form
$$x^2 - 7^{2n+1} = k, x, n\in \mathbb{N}_0,$$
where $k$ is allowed to be $1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6$. The values $k = 3, 5, 6$ can be removed by reducing modulo $7$, $k = 4$ can be removed by reducing modulo $4$ and $k = 1$ can be removed by reducing modulo $3$. This leaves us with the equation $x^2-7^{2n+1}=2$. This one can't be removed by simple modulo considerations since $x = 3, n = 0$ is a solution.
By considering it modulo $19$ (a factor of $7^3-1 = 342$) we can see that $n$ must be divisible by $3$. So, by denoting $7^{n/3} = y$ we get an equation $x^2-7y^6 = 2$. I think there are some magic words one can say here, like a genus of the curve is too big and deduce finiteness, but sadly I do not know them. Alternatively, by denoting $y^2=z$ we get an elliptic curve $x^2-7z^3 = 2$ and if it has only finitely many rational points we will also get a desired result, but again I don't know how one could compute them (and if it will turn out to be finite at all).